Teacher Standard Five:
Assess, provide feedback and report on student learning
5.1 Assess student learning
Assessment is an important aspect of teaching, therefore I ensure I embed formative assessment into each lesson I teach. Students are provided with time throughout their learning to assess where they're at, which provides me with the data to adjust the learning to suit the needs of each student. While planning a unit, I plan every activity to ensure students are provided with ample opportunity to achieve the outcomes required to complete the summative task.
The document below is a unit of work I created during my study which demonstrates how I incorporate assessment throughout lessons.
5.4 Interpret student data
Data collected from assessments forms the basis of teaching. As a requirement of my final placement, I completed a teacher performance assessment. This entailed focusing on three students and collecting data to drive my teaching.
During this case study, I chose students of different learning levels and use differentiation to ensure each student had the opportunity to complete learning activities to their expected outcomes.
See attached teaching performance assessment presentation for more detail.