Teacher Standard Four:
Create and maintain supportive and safe learning environments
4.2 Manage classroom activities
My final placement occurred in an Early Stage 1 class, therefore it was required to have clear, managed activities throughout the day. An example of this is the reading groups which occurred each day. As there were seven groups I had to ensure each student knew which activity they had to attend in each section and what they had to do in that activity. As i only had the time to explain the activity once, I ensured all necessary instructions were explained and students could ask any questions they had. I also found creating a wheel which the helpers of the day moved, for each activity helped as students could reference the wheel when they were unsure.
See image below for an example of the literacy activities students participated in during reading groups.
4.3 Manage challenging behaviour
Throughout my PEX 3, I faced many challenging behaviours, which I found the majority of the problems could be resolved before they escalated. To combat this, I utilised the zones of regulations. As this was a year 4 class, students had the ability to identify which zone they were in. Each student created a toolbox of things to do when they reached each zone to return to the desired zone. Having the knowledge of this helped reduce challenging behaviours as students were able to calm down before the issue got out of hand.